Pony Creek HOA Development 1

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July 2023


The Pony Creek Homeowners Association Board met at the Park on July 11th, 2023. The meeting was called to order at 6:32 pm. Board Members present included: Verlin Phelps, President, Tim Gibbs, Vice President, Suzanne Wick, Treasurer. Board Members: Randy Greenwood, Barb Simmons, Marlo Ibarra, Mike Bogenreif and Tristan Nolan.

Suzanne Wick emailed copies of the June 2023 Monthly Treasurer report and the June 2023 Meeting Minutes prior to the meeting. Hard copies of the reports were available at the meeting. Randy made a motion to accept the June minutes as submitted. Seconded by Mike. All approved.

Treasurer Report: Motion made by Tristan to accept the June Treasurer Report as submitted. Seconded by Tim. All approved. Monthly Report Bank Statement balance July 1 st , 2023, $ 6,362.02.

Balance in the Checking account = $ 4,213.83 as of August 8th, 2023. Expenses paid during July included: Water Testing, Road Grading, Tractor payment, Heimes - Rock, Park mowing, All Trees Trimming, Fred’s Trash and Mid-American Energy.

Water Report: Shipping for water samples was over $90 using Fed X. Verlin will be attending the Hach training class. No other issues with the water was reported. Lot 10 requested to hook back up to PCHA water system.

Road Report: The bucket for the Tractor has been repaired. 2 more loads of rock were delivered and spread in areas that needed it. New Batteries for the Grader have been purchased and will need to be installed. Lot 44 purchased a bucket of rock for their driveway. Mike made a motion to sell one bucket of Rock out of the stockpile to homeowner for $ 25 a bucket. Tristan seconded. All approved.

Park: Park –The park looks great. Nothing new to report

Old Business: Small claims on past due homeowners have been filed. Sheriff will need to serve papers. The board is checking on current addresses to provide to Sheriff. An affidavit of Default filed against one Homeowner.

Verlin has written an Amendment to the By-Laws to change the time of Member Meetings for the Annual and Semi-Annual meetings from 6 pm to 2 pm. Amendments will need to be sent out to Homeowners. Trying to file Amendments with Mills County that have already been approved by Homeowners appears to be a little difficult. Verlin is working with the County to resolve any issues. Randy volunteered to take additional papers to the Sheriff and Courthouse.

New Business: Annual Meeting will be held Sunday October 15th , 2023 at 2 pm.

Tim made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Mike seconded. All Approved.

Next Board meeting to be held August 8th, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the Park.

Respectively submitted, Suzanne Wick, Treasurer