Pony Creek HOA Development 1

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November 2024


The Pony Creek Homeowners Association Board met at the Community Building on November 12th, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 6:28 pm. Board Officers present included: Verlin Phelps, President, Suzanne Wick, Treasurer. Tim Gibbs, Vice President was absent. Board Members: Tristan Nolan, Derick Bowers and Randy Greenwood. Other homeowners in attendance included: Nicole Bowers, Sandy Parson, Steve Arbogast and Neil Arbogast.

Hard copies of the October 2024 Monthly Meeting Minutes were available at the meeting.

Randy made a motion to accept the October minutes as submitted. Seconded by Tristan. All approved.

Hard copies of the October 2024 Monthly Treasurer report were available at the meeting. Two additional items were added to the “Bills to be paid” list. State Hygienic Lab $ 1,290.50 and CB Water works $25.00.

Tristan made a motion to accept the October Treasurer report as amended. Seconded by Derick. All approved.

Monthly Report Bank Statement balance November 1 st, 2024, $ 4,383.61

Balance in the Checking account = $ 3,127.92 as of December 5th , 2024. Expenses paid during November included: Water Testing, Road grading, Iowa DNR Water Permit, Tractor payment, and Mid-American Energy.

Collection Agency – Nothing new to report.

Legal: Lot 21 is still in Probate. The property is up for sale. The Board is working on settlement for past dues owed. The Attorney will fill out necessary paperwork as requested by the Court for the Kennedy lawsuit. Tristan made a motion to file the necessary answers for the Lawsuit and have this matter squashed. Seconded by Randy. All approved.

Water Report: Our efforts on rural water will go no where unless we can get on the Agenda for the Glenwood Municipality Board meeting. The Board will be attempting to get this done. New injection pumps were received from Locke Well. The doors at the Reservoir still need to be repaired. Discussion about the water situation among those present followed.

Road Report: Derick, Randy, Mike and Tristan to get the equipment ready for the winter. Need anti-gel for the Grader. Need to put chains on the Grader. Blade to be installed on the tractor. Fuel will need to be purchased for both. Verlin will construct a stand for the tank and work on getting the tank filled with fuel. Derick to do some smoothing out on the roads to eliminate some of the rough spots. Derick talked with several homeowners about installing tubes at their driveways. Both declined to have it done. Discussion about the roads continued.

Park: No Dumping at the Park will be tolerated. Sandy has some broken concrete and asked if it could be set along the creek bank. The board will allow the pieces to be placed. Tristan made a motion to purchase a Log chain for Verlin to replace his chain that is being used on the Tractor. Randy Seconded. All approved. Discussion on spraying the park for weeds will be delayed until spring.

Old Business: Amendments to By-Laws are at a standstill at this time. The Board will try again at the General meeting in May 2025. Verlin to install a new light at the Community Building.

New Business: Verlin made an announcement that after 11 years of being President, he is stepping down. Vice President , Tim Gibbs will take over as President. A new Vice President will be appointed at the next Board meeting. Thank you Verlin for all your hard work and your commitment to our community.

Tristan made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:03 p.m. Randy seconded. All Approved.

Next Board meeting to December 10th , 2024, at 6:30 p.m. at the Community Building. If the weather is extremely cold the meeting will be held at Tim Gibbs garage - 55269 Fallow Road.

Respectively submitted, Suzanne Wick, Secretary