January 2023


The Pony Creek Homeowners Association Board met at Tim Gibbs garage  (due to the weather) on January 10th, 2023. The meeting was called to order at 6:38 pm. Board Members present included:  Verlin Phelps, President, Tim Gibbs, Vice President, Suzanne Wick, Treasurer. Board Members: Mike Bogenreif and Randy Greenwood. 

 Suzanne Wick emailed copies of the December 2022 Monthly Treasurer report and the December 2022 Meeting Minutes prior to the meeting. Hard copies were also available at the meeting. December minutes were amended to read Cutting blades instead of Ice blades under the Road Report and October 2021 was added under the Lot 40 Water Report. A motion was made by Tim to accept the minutes as amended. Mike Seconded. All approved. 

Treasurer Report:   Motion made by Mike to accept the Treasurer Report as submitted.  Seconded by Randy.  All approved.   

Monthly Report Bank Statement balance January 1st, 2023, $ 6,971.48. 

Balance in the Checking account  =  $ 8,157.11 as of February 9th, 2023.  Expenses paid during January included: Water Testing, Driver Sewer – Water repair, Tractor payment, Snow Removal – Salt spreader, Fred’s Trash and Mid-American Energy.   

Small claims against  several homeowners: will be filed sometime in February unless payment of past dues is received.  

Water Report:  Driver Sewer made a repair to the 4 way Tee connection at Well 3. Invoice of $745.00 has been paid.  

Nothing else to report on the water.  

Road Report: A salt spreader has been ordered. Marlo and Barb donated $100 each to apply to the cost of a new salt spreader.  The Board did not ask them to do this. They did it for the good of the Community. Thanks go out to both of them for their hard work in helping to get the Ice off the road.  

Park:  The swing set at the Park needs some work. Randy volunteered to check  and see what needs to be repaired.    

Old Business: Suzie contacted UPS about leaving packages at the shed by the mailboxes. Verlin also talked with the UPS Driver about not leaving packages and how the packages are being stolen.  

New Business:  Amendments to the By-Laws are being finalized. The original By-Laws are being re-typed  into a Word Document and will be filed with Mills County when complete.   


Tim made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:58 p.m. Mike seconded. All Approved.  

Next Board meeting to be held February 14th , 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at Tim Gibbs garage.       

Respectively submitted, Suzanne Wick, Treasurer  



February 2023


November 2022