July 2022
The Pony Creek Homeowners Association Board met at the Park on July 12th, 2022. The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm. Board Members present included: Verlin Phelps, President, Tim Gibbs, Vice President, Suzanne Wick, Treasurer, Board Members: Mike Bogenreif, Barb Simmons, Marlo Ibarra and Randy Greenwood.
Suzanne Wick emailed copies of the June 2022 Monthly Treasurer report and the June 2022 Meeting Minutes prior to the meeting. Hard copies were also available at the meeting. A motion was made by Mike to accept the minutes as submitted. Randy Seconded. All approved.
Treasurer Report: Motion made by Tim to accept the Treasurer Report as submitted. Seconded by Randy. All approved.
Monthly Report Bank Statement balance July 1st, 2022, $ 2,155.11.
Balance in the Checking account = $ 1,385.91 as of August 8, 2022. Expenses paid during July included, Water Testing, Road Grading, State Farm Insurance, Thirteen Stripes, Fred’s Trash, Tractor payment and Mid-American Energy.
Update on Court Cases- Nothing new. Received invoice for PCHA vs Development 2 response letter.
Water Report: Arsenic levels have returned to normal levels. Homeowner reported water pressure is low. Flushing is at normal flow rates. Homeowner advised to call plumber to access their private line.
Road Report: The Board is looking to purchase an implement for the tractor which will help with grading and spreading rock on the roads.
Park: Tree trimming and maintenance has been postponed at this time. Homeowner complaint against Lot 55 regarding their use of the Park as a driveway.
Old Business: Website is ready and being tested. Homeowners will be notified of the new PCHA website and provided a link to access Meeting reports as well as pay their dues.
New Business: Someone has removed barrier that was installed to prohibit access to the road that was put in without permission which the court ruled that they could not use. We will need to reinstall some type of barricade that cannot be removed. The Board is considering installing cameras to prove who is vandalizing the barrier. If anyone has it on camera or witnessed who is responsible, please notify the Board.
Tim made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:54 p.m. Mike seconded. All Approved.
Next Board meeting to be held August 9th , 2022, at 6:30 at the Park.
Respectively submitted, Suzanne Wick, Secretary-Treasurer