May 2023


The Pony Creek Homeowners Association Board met at the Park on May 9th, 2023. The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm. Board Members present included: Verlin Phelps, President, Tim Gibbs, Vice President. Board Members: Barb Simmons, Mike Bogenreif and Randy Greenwood. Visitors – Tristan Nolan and Wayne Mathis. Suzanne Wick – Absent.

First order before continuing with the meeting: Randy nominated Tristan Nolan for the position as a Board member as he is now a homeowner and is eligible. Tristan accepted the nomination and the Board voted unanimously with 4 ayes and 0 nays. Tristan is now a Board member of the PCHA.

Suzanne Wick emailed copies of the April 2023 Monthly Treasurer report and the April 2023 Meeting Minutes prior to the meeting. Mike made a motion to accept the April minutes as submitted. Seconded by Tim. All approved.

Treasurer Report: Motion made by Randy to accept the April Treasurer Report as submitted. Seconded by Mike. All approved.

Monthly Report Bank Statement balance May 1st, 2023, $ 10,591.33.

Balance in the Checking account = $ 5,636.72 as of June 9, 2023. Expenses paid during May included: Water Testing, Road Grading, Tractor payment, Water Repair, Insurance, Equipment Rental for Maintenance, Fred’s Trash and Mid-American Energy.

Water Report: Discussions about the signal line that runs from Well 3 up to the reservoir. We have a bid of $1,000.00 from All Trees to trim the branches along the signal line. Motion was made by Tim to accept the bid. Mike Seconded. All approved.

Road Report: The excavator will be rented and used to trim back trees along the road as well as other maintenance items that need done around the Development. This is set to be done May 19 thru the 21st. The Bucket blade edge is being ordered along with the necessary hardware.

Park: Discussion on hiring Wayne Mathis to mow the park for $3,000.00 for the year. A contract was presented to the Board. Motion by Tristan to accept the Contract for Park mowing. Seconded by Mike. All approved. Discussion of the Swing set at the Park is in need of repairs or possible removal. Randy will see what he can do about repairing it. Motion was made by Mike to remove the fence on the east side of the park when the excavator is here. Seconded by Tristan. All approved. There was discussion about the existing riding mower that has been sitting in the community building and has not been used for years. Motion made by Barb to sell it. Seconded by Tristan. All approved.

Old Business: Small claims on past due homeowners – pending.

Verlin has written an Amendment to the By-Laws to change the time of Member Meetings for the Annual and Semi-Annual meetings from 6 pm to 2 pm. There were some edits that still need to be addressed.

New Business: The Semi-Annual meeting to be held at the Park on Sunday May 21st, 2023 at 2 pm.

Mike made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:34 p.m. Tim seconded. All Approved.

Next Board meeting to be held June 13th , 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the Park.

Minutes provided by Verlin.

Respectively submitted, Suzanne Wick, Treasurer


June 2023


April 2023