September 2022


The Pony Creek Homeowners Association Board met at the Park on September 13th, 2022. The meeting was called to order at 6:29pm. Board Members present included: Verlin Phelps, President, Tim Gibbs, Vice President, Suzanne Wick, Treasurer, Board Members: Mike Bogenreif and Randy Greenwood.

Suzanne Wick emailed copies of the August 2022 Monthly Treasurer report and the August 2022 Meeting Minutes prior to the meeting. Hard copies were also available at the meeting. A motion was made by Randy to accept the minutes as submitted. Tim Seconded. All approved.

Treasurer Report: Motion made by Mike to accept the Treasurer Report as submitted. Seconded by Randy. All approved.

Monthly Report Bank Statement balance September 1 st , 2022, $ 3,76.18. Balance in the Checking account = $ 847.39 as of October 10, 2022. Expenses paid during September included, Water Testing, Thirteen Stripes (Park mowing), Fred’s Trash, Tractor payment, CB Well (Water Repair) Mills County Treasurer, Smith Petersen (Legal fees), and Mid-American Energy.

Water Report: Work still needs done on a Tee Connection. There is a cracked feeder tube in Well House 1 which needs repaired. Verlin will have Driver Sewer and Well come out and repair. We will need to transfer funds from Savings to pay CB Well for the repairs made at the Reservoir.

Road Report: Mike will do some minor road grading to smooth out the ripples in the road. The purchase of an implement for the tractor is tabled at this time.

Park: Tree trimming and maintenance has been postponed at this time.

Old Business:

Discussion on what to do about the access point that we have attempted to block off. Someone has torn down the fencing that was installed.

New Business:

Annual meeting to be held October 16th, 2022 – Sunday at 2 pm at the Park (weather permitting). Mike made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Tim seconded. All Approved.

Next Board meeting to be held October 11th at 6:30 at the Park.

Respectively submitted, Suzanne Wick, Secretary-Treasurer


April 2022


August 2022