April 2022


The Pony Creek Homeowners Association Board met at the home of Tim Gibbs on April 12th, 2022. The meeting was called to order at 6:33pm. Board Members present included: Verlin Phelps, President, Tim Gibbs, Vice President, Suzanne Wick, Treasurer, Board Members: Randy Greenwood and Mike Bogenreif.

Suzanne Wick emailed copies of the March 2022 Monthly Treasurer report and the March 2022 Meeting Minutes prior to the meeting. Hard copies were also available at the meeting. A motion was made by Randy to accept the minutes as submitted. Mike Seconded. All approved.

Treasurer Report: Motion made by Mike to accept the Treasurer Report as submitted with one small edit (Change from Driver Well to Jensen Well Co.) Seconded by Mike. All approved.

Monthly Report Bank Statement balance April 1 st , 2022, $ 5,089.69 Balance in the Checking account = $ 2,655.59 as of May 9th, 2022. Expenses paid during April included, Water Testing, Road Grading, Payment to Smith Petersen Law Firm, Jensen Well Co. – Well Repair, Fred’s Trash, Tractor payment and Mid-American Energy.

Update on Court Cases:

PCHA vs SMITH - Permanent Injunction was granted to PCHA against SMITH – Drive Access has been blocked.

PCHA vs PERIAN – case finished. Dues paid.

Water Report: Yearly CCR report needs to be posted. Emailed to those who have provided email addresses. Well 3 – To clear up a misunderstanding - Arsenic levels are monitored by the EPA not the DNR. Nothing else to report.

Road Report: Rock to be delivered soon. Park: Mowing Services to remain with Thirteen Stripes Mowing Service.

Old Business:

• Lot 1 would like the Board to get his fence repaired, which was damaged during snow removal operations.

• Website is under construction.

• General Meeting to be held May 15th, 2022 at 2 pm at the Park (Potluck).

New Business:

Motion made by Randy to charge a electronic processing fee to all those that use Paypal to pay their dues. Seconded by Mike. All Approved.

A letter needs to be drafted to send to those affected by the change. This will be brought up at the General Meeting.

Website is being finalized. More information will be made available at the General Meeting.

Randy made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:26 p.m. Tim seconded. All Approved.

Next Board meeting to be held May 10th , 2022, at 6:30 at the Park.

Respectively submitted, Suzanne Wick, Secretary-Treasurer


December 2022


September 2022